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大战神私服 发布于 2020-08-14 21:07   浏览 次  

  Remember all those Star Trek gadgetsyou wished you had because they looked so cool? Well, it turns out looking coolis about all they'd be good for.


  Here's five inventions that willbe available some day ... even if nobody wants them.


  No 5.Flying Cars




  As seen in:Blade Runner, TheFifth Element, Back to the Future II, Futurama, The Jetsons ... it's actuallykind of difficult to list sci-fi that doesn't feature some variation of theflying car.

  曾经出现在:《银翼杀手》,《第五元素》, 《回到未来II)》, 《飞出个未来》, 《杰森一家》 ...实际上,从某种程度上讲,很难能列出来一个单子,说科幻小说里没有出现飞行汽车的——不管什么样的飞行汽车。

  Why we thought we wantedthem:

  First, we don't mean some kind ofsissy half-plane, half-car hybrid that some people will try to tell you is aflying car. No, we mean real, float off the ground, how the crap is thathappening, Jetsons sort of flying cars. Admit it, when you were 7 years old,there were only two things you were sure of: Transformers fucking rule, and thefuture would be full of flying goddamn cars.



  Of course, once you learned todrive you wanted one even more. Every time you're stuck in traffic, you canpicture yourself flipping a switch and swooping into the sky, leaving thosehonking bastards behind. You'd fly straight to work, free as a bird.


  Why we were wrong:

  Well, guess what: They're notgonna let you do that. People just flying wherever they want would be a deathwarrant for every radio tower and power line in the country.



  No, you'd have to fly accordingto a wussified autopilot, along pre-set pathways. Air-roads, in other words.And, once everybody has a flying car ... well, have you ever been driving towork in a city at around, oh, eight or nine in the morning? If so, you'll knowexactly how bad traffic can get during rush hour. Now, imagine if there was notjust one layer of cars, but there was layer after layer of flying metal deathtraps over top and below you.


  That's not even the worst part.The many people who have tried to invent flying cars over are finding out thatevery single thing that's bad with cars (cost, safety, etc) is made worse whenyou try to make the thing fly.


  For instance, no matter what kindof engine they invent, a flying car will always burn more fuel than a regularcar, especially on short trips (you burn a bunch of gas trying to overcome thatgravity thing on takeoff).


  Even worse, even a minor crashwith another flying car could send both vehicles plummeting to the ground whileyou scream in terror. Imagine the poor guy on the ground, sitting there at a redlight, as a flaming five car pile-up is hurdling down towards him from the sky.If you're not scared yet, try to imagine what they're going to charge you ininsurance premiums as a result.


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