UCB to acquire Schwarz in .4bncashandsharesdeal
大战神私服 发布于 2020-09-02 20:31 浏览 次UCB, the Belgian drug maker, was yesterday the latest company to join in the rash of mergers among Europe’s medium-sized pharmaceutical groups, with an agreed .4bn ($5.6bn) cash and share offer for Schwarz Pharma.
比利时制药商UCB昨日与Schwarz Pharma达成协议,以44亿欧元(合56亿美元)现金加股票的出价收购后者,令UCB成为最新一家加入欧洲中型制药集团并购浪潮的企业。
The deal, the third of its kind in almost as many days, will create a company with annual turnover of more than .3bn and increase the number of late-stage products at UCB.
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