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大战神私服 发布于 2018-12-03 21:07   浏览 次  


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By Andrew Moody

When people ask me about my most memorable interview of the perhaps thousands I have done at China Daily there is usually little hesitation in my response.

Although there are others that stand out also the one I did with the great Russian pianist Vladimir Ashkenazy is the one I most fondly recollect.


Even the way it was set up was slightly bizarre. I happened to be listening to one of his trademark performances of Rachmaninov's 3rd Piano Concerto while cooking dinner one evening when the phone rang.

"Ashkenazy here," said the deep voice on the line. Of course, I had been in contact with his agent but the last thing I expected was to be telephoned directly by the great man himself.

We agreed to do the interview in the Hilton Beijing Wangfujing on the eve of him performing at the National Center for Performing Arts.

He could not have been more amenable. He even agreed to play the hotel’s piano (out of bounds for ordinary guests) in honky-tonk fashion for our photographer.

I was reminded of the encounter after recently catching up with Wray Armstrong, the Beijing-based classical music promoter behind the recent successful production in China of Dream of the Red Chamber, the opera based on the classical novel.

Ashkenazy, now 80 and a regular performer in China for many years, played a significant role in this.

When he worked in London Armstrong represented the late Isaac Stern, who made the film From Mao to Mozart and did perhaps more than anyone from the West in re-establishing this musical form in China.

The progress in this area often goes under the radar. For one, China's classical music audiences themselves often come in for criticism. People noisily eating, mobile phones going off during performances and bored embassy officials on the front row wishing they were somewhere else are among the usual stereotypes.

As anyone who regularly goes to concerts here knows, there is, however, a real hard core of very knowledgeable enthusiasts.

There are also more imaginative and less conservative programs being performed here. It is no longer just about serving up an endless diet of Tchaikovsky and Beethoven symphonies to bring in the numbers.

The standard of China's musicians has improved. Many of the world's best orchestras now have Chinese players.

According to Armstrong we are now only about two decades away from China having a number of world-class Chinese orchestras.

He says the playing talent is already there but what is lacking is the "interpretation and the traditions of interpretation."

If so, Chinese orchestras would have made the same journey as those of Japan over the past 30 years with a number of them now considered elite.

Chinese orchestras going round the world would certainly chime with one of the messages of Chinese President Xi Jinping's report to the CPC 19th National Congress about exporting Chinese cultural soft power.

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